Category: Foundations of Freemasonry Adam is not just a Voice Actor, he’s also a Freemason. Masonic literature is one of his great passions. Adam is a…
* Master Mason
* Past Master (2020, 2021) of Acalanes Fellowship Lodge in Lafayette, CA
* District Inspector for the Grand Lodge of California
* 32° Scottish Rite Mason in the Valley of Oakland
* York Rite Royal Arch Mason
* York Rite Cryptic Mason
* Shrine Noble
* Member, Allied Masonic Degrees
* Special committee member for the Grand Lodge of California
Albert Pike’s Esoterika
Albert Pike’s Morals and Dogma – Annotated Edition
Foundations of Freemasonry
Audio Sample: Morals and Dogma
A Masonic classic! The fundamental sourcebook of Scottish Rite philosophy – now available in a new, user-friendly, and scholarly edition!
First published from 1872 to 1969, Morals and Dogma is one of the most insightful … Read more
The Philosophy of Masonry in Five Parts
Foundations of Freemasonry
Audio Sample: Philosophy of Masonry in Five Parts Sample
Pound begins his discourse with an examination of what he deems to be the four major systems of Masonic philosophy. Two of these are intellectual systems: First that of Preston, whose … Read more
Druidism and Freemasonry
Foundations of Freemasonry
Audio Sample: Druidism and Freemasonry
Mackey examines the popular belief among scholars of his day that the rites of Freemasonry are remnants of ancient Druids ceremonies, or that at the very least the ceremonies of the two share a common
… Read more
Rosicrucians, Their History and Aims
Foundations of Freemasonry
Audio Sample: Rosicrucians – Their History and Aims
Brother Westcott is the perfect man to write on the aims of the Rosicrucians and their relationship to Freemasonry, as he was not only a Mason and a Rosicrucian himself, but held … Read more
Religious and Masonic Symbolism of Stones
Foundations of Freemasonry
Audio Sample: Symbolism of Stones
Westcott begins by reminding us that when we first enter into our Masonic initiation, as the candidate, we represent the rough ashlar, the unfinished stone. From there, he proceeds to point out a vast number … Read more
The Story of Hiram Abiff
Foundations of Freemasonry
Audio Sample: Story of Hiram Abiff
Though generally unknown to the Entered Apprentice and the Fellow Craft when beginning their journey into Craft Masonry, the character of Hiram Abiff is the principle player in the unfolding drama of the Master
… Read more
The Mystical Basis of Masonry
Foundations of Freemasonry
Audio Sample: Mystical Basis of Masonry
Acclaimed masonic writer, W. L. Wilmshurst approaches this topic with fervor, asserting that, “Masonry was not intended to be, and is not, a high-grade Friendly Society and its charitable energies are merely an incident
… Read more
Freemasonry and its Relation to the Essenes
Foundations of Freemasonry
Audio Sample: Freemasonry and its Relation to the Essenes
Masonic scholar William Wynn Westcott examines the assertion that the ancient religious sect, known as the Essenes, was in many ways a precursor to the Masonic fraternity. In addition to the … Read more
Masonic Symbolism of the Apron
Foundations of Freemasonry
Audio Sample: The Masonic Apron
This collection of essays by five notable Masonic scholars (Joseph Fort Newton, Albert Mackey, Bro. H. L. Haywood, Bro. H. A. Kingsbury, J. George Gibson), discuses the single most important symbol that Freemasonry has. It … Read more
Washington as a Freemason
Foundations of Freemasonry
Audio Sample: Washington as a Freemason
Brother Mackey sets out to dispel the notion that George Washington, the first president of the United States of America, was anything but a Freemason. He provides ample documentary evidence to support what now
… Read more
Masonic Symbolism in Shakespeare
Foundations of Freemasonry
Audio Sample: Masonic Symbolism in Shakespeare
As any Freemason will tell you, there are certain words, symbols and phrases that one primarily encounters during Masonic ritual. Two notable Masonic authors examine the works of Shakespeare in an effort to determine … Read more
Freemasonry and Monasticism in the Middle Ages
Foundations of Freemasonry
Audio Sample: Monasticism
In order to become a member of the Masonic fraternity, an individual must kneel before the members of a Lodge, while professing their trust in a God of their choosing. As such, while Freemasonry itself is not … Read more
The Ancient Mysteries
Foundations of Freemasonry
Audio Sample: The Ancient Mysteries
Not simply satisfied with the signs, grips and words of workmen at temples, from a bygone past, the author wants to know what lies beyond these pedestrian tales told to the newly made mason, of … Read more
Masonic Symbolism of Easter
Foundations of Freemasonry
Audio Sample: Masonic Symbolism of Easter
Our first author utilizes a contrast between the Great God Pan and the Greek Elysium in a creative allegory to speculate on the rebirth of the candidate during the four Capitular degrees of Freemasonry. … Read more
Rosicrucian and Masonic Origins
Foundations of Freemasonry
Audio Sample: Rosicrucian and Masonic Origins
In this classic treatise by Manly P. Hall, the origins of Rosicrucian and Masonic organizations are discussed and compared.
Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity- an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of … Read more
Rosicrucianism is Freemasonry
Foundations of Freemasonry
Audio Sample: Rosicrucianism is Freemasonry
Harold Voorhis, notable Masonic scholar and former Supreme Magus of the Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis, explores the notion which was only beginning to gain popularity among the fellow masons of his day, that their … Read more
The Doorway of Freemasonry & The Mason’s Apron
Foundations of Freemasonry
Audio Sample: The Doorway of Freemasonry & The Mason’s Apron
This volume contains a pair of exploratory essays by Masonic scholar William Harvey. The first seeks to explain the origin and meaning of the word Tyler, as well as describing … Read more
The Hiramic Legend and the Ashmolean Theory
Foundations of Freemasonry
Audio Sample: The Hiramic Legend and the Ashmolean Theory
Worshipful Brother Hextall explores various possible histories of the Hiram Abiff legend in Masonic ritual, focusing largely on noted British alchemist and astrologer Elias Ashmole in the process. He includes speculation … Read more
Four Lesser-Known Masonic Essays
Foundations of Freemasonry
Audio Sample: Four Lesser-Known Essays
A collection of four essays by noted Masonic scholar Frank C. Higgins. The first explores the labyrinthine paths of solutions that attempt to define the exact character of the “riddle of the ages” that is … Read more
Freemasonry From AD 1600 to the Grand Lodge Era
Foundations of Freemasonry
Audio Sample: Freemasonry From 1600 Onwards
With his focus on Great Britain, Scotland and Ireland, noted masonic scholar William Hughan cites numerous examples of early Lodge minutes, in order to show a direct connection to and prove that the Freemasons … Read more
Capitular Masonry
Foundations of Freemasonry
Audio Sample: Capitular Freemasonry
Capitular Masonry is the second stage or section in the Masonic progress of the York Rite. It suffers often, and is frequently too lightly esteemed as an intermediate series of degrees between Blue Lodge Masonry and … Read more
Three Essays on Capitular Masonry
Foundations of Freemasonry
Audio Sample: Three Essays on Capitular Masonry
Not one to shy away from controversy, Brother William Kuhn offers some bold statements about the history and future of Capitular Degrees in general and Royal Arch Masonry in particular; however, mostly he
… Read more
Adam is not just a Voice Actor, he’s also a Freemason. Masonic literature is one of his great passions. Adam is a…
* Master Mason
* Past Master (2020, 2021) of Acalanes Fellowship Lodge in Lafayette, CA
* District Inspector for the Grand Lodge of California
* 32° Scottish Rite Mason in the Valley of Oakland
* York Rite Royal Arch Mason
* York Rite Cryptic Mason
* Shrine Noble
* Member, Allied Masonic Degrees
* Special committee member for the Grand Lodge of California
Albert Pike’s Esoterika
Albert Pike’s Morals and Dogma – Annotated Edition
Foundations of Freemasonry

Audio Sample: Morals and Dogma
A Masonic classic! The fundamental sourcebook of Scottish Rite philosophy – now available in a new, user-friendly, and scholarly edition!
First published from 1872 to 1969, Morals and Dogma is one of the most insightful … Read more
The Philosophy of Masonry in Five Parts
Foundations of Freemasonry

Audio Sample: Philosophy of Masonry in Five Parts Sample
Pound begins his discourse with an examination of what he deems to be the four major systems of Masonic philosophy. Two of these are intellectual systems: First that of Preston, whose … Read more
Druidism and Freemasonry
Foundations of Freemasonry

Audio Sample: Druidism and Freemasonry
Mackey examines the popular belief among scholars of his day that the rites of Freemasonry are remnants of ancient Druids ceremonies, or that at the very least the ceremonies of the two share a common
Rosicrucians, Their History and Aims
Foundations of Freemasonry

Audio Sample: Rosicrucians – Their History and Aims
Brother Westcott is the perfect man to write on the aims of the Rosicrucians and their relationship to Freemasonry, as he was not only a Mason and a Rosicrucian himself, but held … Read more
Religious and Masonic Symbolism of Stones
Foundations of Freemasonry

Audio Sample: Symbolism of Stones
Westcott begins by reminding us that when we first enter into our Masonic initiation, as the candidate, we represent the rough ashlar, the unfinished stone. From there, he proceeds to point out a vast number … Read more
The Story of Hiram Abiff
Foundations of Freemasonry

Audio Sample: Story of Hiram Abiff
Though generally unknown to the Entered Apprentice and the Fellow Craft when beginning their journey into Craft Masonry, the character of Hiram Abiff is the principle player in the unfolding drama of the Master
The Mystical Basis of Masonry
Foundations of Freemasonry

Audio Sample: Mystical Basis of Masonry
Acclaimed masonic writer, W. L. Wilmshurst approaches this topic with fervor, asserting that, “Masonry was not intended to be, and is not, a high-grade Friendly Society and its charitable energies are merely an incident
Freemasonry and its Relation to the Essenes
Foundations of Freemasonry

Audio Sample: Freemasonry and its Relation to the Essenes
Masonic scholar William Wynn Westcott examines the assertion that the ancient religious sect, known as the Essenes, was in many ways a precursor to the Masonic fraternity. In addition to the … Read more
Masonic Symbolism of the Apron
Foundations of Freemasonry

Audio Sample: The Masonic Apron
This collection of essays by five notable Masonic scholars (Joseph Fort Newton, Albert Mackey, Bro. H. L. Haywood, Bro. H. A. Kingsbury, J. George Gibson), discuses the single most important symbol that Freemasonry has. It … Read more
Washington as a Freemason
Foundations of Freemasonry

Audio Sample: Washington as a Freemason
Brother Mackey sets out to dispel the notion that George Washington, the first president of the United States of America, was anything but a Freemason. He provides ample documentary evidence to support what now
Masonic Symbolism in Shakespeare
Foundations of Freemasonry

Audio Sample: Masonic Symbolism in Shakespeare
As any Freemason will tell you, there are certain words, symbols and phrases that one primarily encounters during Masonic ritual. Two notable Masonic authors examine the works of Shakespeare in an effort to determine … Read more
Freemasonry and Monasticism in the Middle Ages
Foundations of Freemasonry

Audio Sample: Monasticism
In order to become a member of the Masonic fraternity, an individual must kneel before the members of a Lodge, while professing their trust in a God of their choosing. As such, while Freemasonry itself is not … Read more
The Ancient Mysteries
Foundations of Freemasonry

Audio Sample: The Ancient Mysteries
Not simply satisfied with the signs, grips and words of workmen at temples, from a bygone past, the author wants to know what lies beyond these pedestrian tales told to the newly made mason, of … Read more
Masonic Symbolism of Easter
Foundations of Freemasonry

Rosicrucian and Masonic Origins
Foundations of Freemasonry

Rosicrucianism is Freemasonry
Foundations of Freemasonry

Audio Sample: Rosicrucianism is Freemasonry
Harold Voorhis, notable Masonic scholar and former Supreme Magus of the Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis, explores the notion which was only beginning to gain popularity among the fellow masons of his day, that their … Read more
The Doorway of Freemasonry & The Mason’s Apron
Foundations of Freemasonry

Audio Sample: The Doorway of Freemasonry & The Mason’s Apron
This volume contains a pair of exploratory essays by Masonic scholar William Harvey. The first seeks to explain the origin and meaning of the word Tyler, as well as describing … Read more
The Hiramic Legend and the Ashmolean Theory
Foundations of Freemasonry

Four Lesser-Known Masonic Essays
Foundations of Freemasonry

Audio Sample: Four Lesser-Known Essays
A collection of four essays by noted Masonic scholar Frank C. Higgins. The first explores the labyrinthine paths of solutions that attempt to define the exact character of the “riddle of the ages” that is … Read more
Freemasonry From AD 1600 to the Grand Lodge Era
Foundations of Freemasonry

Audio Sample: Freemasonry From 1600 Onwards
With his focus on Great Britain, Scotland and Ireland, noted masonic scholar William Hughan cites numerous examples of early Lodge minutes, in order to show a direct connection to and prove that the Freemasons … Read more
Capitular Masonry
Foundations of Freemasonry

Audio Sample: Capitular Freemasonry
Capitular Masonry is the second stage or section in the Masonic progress of the York Rite. It suffers often, and is frequently too lightly esteemed as an intermediate series of degrees between Blue Lodge Masonry and … Read more
Three Essays on Capitular Masonry
Foundations of Freemasonry

Audio Sample: Three Essays on Capitular Masonry
Not one to shy away from controversy, Brother William Kuhn offers some bold statements about the history and future of Capitular Degrees in general and Royal Arch Masonry in particular; however, mostly he